- B062025
- biblackcream
- biblacksilver
- biblacktan
- black
- blackcreamDk
- blackcreamLT
- blacksilverDk
- blacksilverLT
- blacktanDk
- blacktanLT
- canada
- deceased
- maryland
- new jersey
- new york
- ontario
- oregon
- outcross
- pennsylvania
- sable-BiBlackCream
- sable-biBlackSilver
- sable-biBlackTan
- sable-ltBlackCream
- sableBlack
- sableBrown
- sableBuff
- sableDkBrown
- sableDkGray
- sableGolden
- sableGray
- sableLtBrown
- sableLtGolden
- sableLtGray
- sableReddish
- sableSilver
- solid-black
- solid-white
- stud-frozen
- stud-proven
- stud-tested
- studs
- us
- washington
- white
By special request, we now have a Stud Photo Gallery for stud owners which have opted to participate. NOTE: This is not a complete representation of all studs currently available.
The Stud Project
This Stud Book Project is in cooperation with stud owners throughout the breed. ALL information provided on these studs is on an informational basis only and should NOT be substituted for that provided by the owner, the breeder, and/or their registry.
If you know of a status change or additional health data on any of these boys, please be sure to CONTACT THE TEAM