Improving the health and longevity of the Shiloh Shepherd is a goal of many breeders. The Health Center is your reference for information about general health, health screenings and more…

Shiloh Shepherds are dogs, therefore, any disease susceptible to the dog population can occur in Shilohs. It is also important to note that any disease prevalent to the Shiloh Shepherd’s ancestor, the German Shepherd Dog, is likely to occur in this breed.

Have you holtered a puppy? Submit your results [HERE] to help compile data for the breed. Help us better understand how GSD IVA is affecting the Shiloh Shepherd.

Basic Information:

Normal Vital Signs in a Dog:

  • Temperature : 100-102.5º F
  • Pulse : 100-130 beats/minute (small dog); 80-100 beats/minute (large dog)
  • Respiration Rate : 18-34 breaths/minute

Basic Blood Chemistry Panel:

Basic “blood work” typically checks fro these values:

  • complete blood count or CBC (anemia or infection)
  • electrolytes (level and quality of hydration)
  • general metabolism, including glucose levels
  • kidney function
  • liver function
  • pancreas levels
  • thyroid levels

Veterinary-specific laboratory equipment is used to measure these chemical values from blood serum, which floats to the top when tubes of blood are spun in a centrifuge. They provide a snapshot of how the pet’s body is functioning. ~Healthy Pet, Spring 2009

FDA Animal Health Literacy Information

This section of the FDA website is full of great articles including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Pet Food
  • Pet Meds
  • Dangers for Pets
  • Cat specific articles
  • Dog specific articles
  • read about these and more [HERE]

Veterinary Bill Assistance Programs

The following websites can help in your search for financial assistance for dogs in need of critical care. Investigate carefully!

Dr. Jean Dodds

Considered on of the foremost experts in pet healthcare, Dr Jean Dodds focuses on vaccination protocols, thyroid issues and nutrition.  Links to more information below:

Reference Links: