Participate in the Genetic Diversity Testing Study for All Shiloh Shepherds
Help us learn more about the Diversity of our Shiloh Shepherds. Research Phase is currently underway. [LEARN MORE]
DNA TESTING, Parentage
Matching parentage DNA on all breeding stock is essential so the Shiloh Shepherd gene pool remains true and verified. This is the Parentage/Genetic Marker Test, which is not be be confused with the Canine Genetic Diversity Test also offered by UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory. Same company, different tests. In order complete the Parentage/Genetic Marker Test you will need to provide the DNA number for your dog’s sire and dam. If you need help with this, please contact us here at the Shiloh Shepherd Resource Center.
- Parentage DNA is required for several of the Shiloh Shepherd registries (NSBR, TSSR, & WSSBA)
- UC Davis maintains the largest collection of Shiloh Shepherd DNA samples (over the course of 17+ years), thus are easily able to match parentage when provided with the sire/dam DNA numbers. Note: if you have run the diversity panel at UCDavis, there is a way to follow-up and match parentage DNA if parents are also tested or you have parentage DNA numbers for them.
- DNA kits available to ALL Shiloh Shepherd owners, regardless of where they will be registering their dogs. [ORDER TODAY!!!]
DNA, Embark (Breed & Health Test)
While this test helps with DNA health testing (i.e. DM testing, etc.), it DOES NOT determine parentage.
“An Embark Breed + Health dog DNA test enables a dog owner to learn about their pup’s breed, ancestry, health, relatives, and more with a simple cheek swab. With a research-grade DNA genotyping platform, Embark looks at over 350 breeds and more than 175 genetic health conditions and traits. You can discover and connect with dogs that share DNA with yours with the world’s only canine relative finder, free with purchase. The most accurate & highest rated dog DNA kit on the market. “
- Embark Breed + Health Kit {}
- note: while Embark may offer parentage DNA, the dog + its sire and dam would need to be tested by Embark in order to match for parentage DNA
DNA, Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) Testing
- OFA {}
- GenSol Diagnostics {}
- DDC DNA Diagnostics Center {}
DNA, Canine Genetic Diversity
UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL),
“The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL), in collaboration with Dr. Niels C. Pedersen and staff, has developed a panel of short tandem repeat (STR) markers that will determine genetic diversity across the genome and in the Dog Leukocyte Antigen (DLA) class I and II regions. This test panel is useful to breeders who wish to track and increase genetic diversity of their breed as a long term goal. Please note, this test will not identify breed.“
- Canine Genetic Diversity (overview) – {}
- Genetic Diversity Testing Study for Shiloh Shepherds, all others
{} - Genetic Diversity Testing Study for Shiloh Shepherds (ISSA)
- Genetic Diversity Testing Study for Shiloh Shepherds, all others
- Canine Genetic Diversity (overview) – {}
Embark, Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI), Genetic Result:
“Our genetic COI measures the proportion of your dog’s genome (her genes) where the genes on the mother’s side are identical by descent to those on the father’s side. The higher your dog’s coefficient of inbreeding (the percentage), the more inbred your dog is.”
NOTE; This is based on the dogs tested within Embark and is not related to the Diversity Breed Tests being conducted by UC Davis (above).
DNA, Additional Resources
- UCDavis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory {}
Introduction to Genetics by Fred Lanting as posted on the Mastiff Reporter Archive:
- Part 1 Intro Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest, Cell Division and Chromosomes, and the interaction of genes. {}
- Part 2 Dominance and Polygenic Traits {}
- Part 3 (and last) gives an idea of “What’s Ahead” and discuss the whether orthopedic disorders such as HD inherited, the variation in polygenic traits, the random nature of polygenic disorders and how much is genetic and how much environmental. {}
Animal Genetics:
- Internet Articles by Sue Ann Bowling {}
- Canine Genetic Diseases {}
- Canine Inherited Disorders Database (CIDD) {}
- Canine Genetics Primer (includes colour) {}
Genetic Articles by Dr. John Armstrong:
- Basic Concepts
- Breeding Schemes
- Significant Relationships
- Population Genetics and Breeding
- The Nature of Genetic Disease
- Eliminating Mutation: the impossible dream
- Diversity and the Purebred Dog
- Inbreeding and Diversity
- Diversity in Poodles
- Glossary of Genetic Terms
Genetic Articles by J. Jeffrey Bragg:
- Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty-First Century: Achieving Genetic Health for Our Dogs
{} - The Genetic Tide: Will it Leave Us High and Dry?
{} - The Genetic Tide Continues to Swell: Will DNA Marker Research Stop the Flood?
{} - Random Genetic Drift: The Breeder’s Hidden Enemy
{} - Canine Population Genetics in Practice: Principles for the Breeder
Additional References:
- Basic Dog Breeding Genetics at
- Inbreeding, Linebreeding and Crossbreeding from NSAE News, December 2007 {}
- Using Inbreeding Coefficients from ASGHI {}
- Canine Population Genetics in Practice: Principles for the Breeder by J. Jeffery Bragg {}
- The Punnett Square {}