the Pedigree Project ~dbS

This project has been in development since 2002 and serving as an online resource since 2006.

The Shiloh Shepherd Pedigrees Project, an independent database project, is the collaborative effort of contributors throughout the world. “nosce te ipsum ~know thyself”

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~the library project


Country of Origin: United States
Group: Herding

Life Span: 9-14 years
Color: a wide variety of colors, see Appearance
Coat: smooth (short) & plush (long)

Grooming: regular brushings & baths required
Shedding: typical of your average dog; smooth coats seem to shed more than plush coats
Height: males no less than 28″ & females no less than 26″
Weight: 85-125lbs

Trainibility: high; intelligent, but typically easy going
Activity Level: daily exercise is required
Best Home: indoors with access to yard

Good with Children? yes, with early socialization
Good with Pets? yes, with early socialization

FAQs About The Breed
Below is a list of some of the more frequently asked questions people have about the breed and its origins. Click on the question to learn more.
What is a Shiloh Shepherd? How are they different from a GSD?
The Shiloh Shepherd is an American Rare Breed developed in the United States. It is a close “cousin” of the German Shepherd Dog with many lines that can be traced back to the “original” German Shepherd Dog, Horand von Grafrath. In 1990, they began registration as a separate breed, the Shiloh Shepherd. They are not AKC recognized or registered.

Increased size, level topline, generally a gentler demeanor, and health testing are the primary differences between the breeds.

Read more about the history [HERE]

How do I know if I have a Shiloh?
The short and most definitive answer is pedigree. It is often difficult to spot a Shiloh simply on looks and size alone. Long-haired German Shepherd Dogs, King Shepherds and many mixed breeds are similar in appearance to the Shiloh Shepherd.

If you have a birth date, names of sire and/or dam, location of birth, etc., our Library Team can assist you in attempting to track down the lineage of your dog and the possibility of it being a Shiloh.

What dogs were used to create the Shiloh Shepherd?
Until 1991, the Shiloh Shepherd’s origins are the same as the German Shepherd Dog. At that time, the breed founder introduced a Malamute mix into select lines (only 3 breedings). Shiloh’s Secret Samson Woo is the original MAW dog (Malamute – American GSD – White Shepherd). Woo was the only Malamute-type dog introduced into the breed.

Outcrosses (OTX) are dogs that are not Shiloh Shepherds that have been used in the development of the breed. Throughout the years, various registries have brought in German Shepherd-type dogs in an effort to diversify the gene-pool. It is important to note, that not all of the dogs used had progeny that moved forward. Some of the more common outcrosses seen in many of today’s pedigrees include, but are not limited to,

  • Orbit (White Shepherd)
  • Artus (Altdeutscher Schäferhund aka Old-Style German Shepherd, typically long-haired)
  • Boz (German Shepherd Dog)
  • Sony (Czech Shepherd)
  • Cory (German Shepherd Dog)
  • Devaki (Long Haired German Shepherd Dog)

Shiloh Shepherds are not wolves or wolf-hybrids.

Is the Shiloh Shepherd recognized by the AKC?
No. The Shiloh Shepherd is American Rare Breed and is not registered with the AKC.
How much do they cost?
Prices generally range from $1500-2500; depending on breeder and what the purpose the puppy is intended to fulfill.
Do all Shilohs have such great temperaments?
Ideal as companions, Shilohs have loyal and outgoing personalities. They were developed to be gentle and loving, able to work with animals and children while still possessing an excellent drive. With proper socialization they adapt easily to many environments and are stable no matter the situation. Breeders strive for a courageous yet manageable temperament. Any form of extreme aggression or shyness is severely penalized per the breed standard. [Learn More].

Most Shiloh Shepherd breeders conduct temperament testing between 7 and 8 weeks. This allows each pup to be matched individually to the needs of a family. Temperaments can vary by dog, not necessarily between male and female.

Even the best temperamented dog needs training to complete the package. Shilohs are intelligent dogs and respond well to consistent training. They are what you put into them.

Do Shilohs make good service dogs?
Most can be candidates for the makings of a good service dog. Shilohs are confident dogs that possess intelligence and a consistent desire to learn. However, each dog individually needs to be evaluated for what tasks are expected of them. As with humans, not everyone is suited for every task.

Effective January 2020, the US Department of Transportation proposes new rules that define service dogs for the purpose of air travel. [READ MORE]

How are their hips? What health testing is done on the parents?
Health Testing is the hallmark of a good Shiloh Shepherd Breeder. They strive to breed the healthiest possible candidates. All the breed registries require official hip x-rays on breeding stock.  Many breeders go above and beyond the minimum requirements of their registry for health testing. A full list of test commonly seen can be found [HERE].

Never hesitate to ask your breeder for documentation of health testing performed.

How much do they eat? What do I feed my Shiloh?
In general, owners should feed the best quality of food that they can afford. A high quality protein based food is typically recommended. Growing puppies can eat up to 6-9 cups of food a day. Adults will eat varying amounts depending on their metabolism and quality of food.

When in doubt on what and how much to feed, always defer to your Breeder’s guidance.

Shiloh Puppy News

The Number One online resource for Shiloh Puppy News since 2007.


HEALTH TESTING...the Hallmark of this breed!

Breeding the best possible candidates is the pride of a Shiloh breeder.  Many go above and beyond the minimum requirements of their registry. Visit the Health Screening page [HERE] to get an idea on what is required.

Shiloh Puppy News is a one-stop planner where those seeking a Shiloh Shepherd puppy can check on the progress of their favorite litters. Updates are provided when litters are born, when new information is posted on their sites, and when future litters are anticipated.

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