b. May 13, 2024
Stunning Shilohs | California
5 boys, 5 girls, all plush
Solace’s Seawolf Nuke of Imladris
aka Nuke
b. October 8, 2021 | black/silver plush
sire: Lothlorien’s Zevran O’Imladris
dam: VID Second Scarlet v Zion-Peak
height/weight: 29″ 90lbs
hips: OFA Good SLH-1252G25M-P-VPI
elbows: OFA Normal SLH-EL1029M25-P-VPI
heart: holter (0,0,0) 8M; and,
OFA Normal SLH-ACA131/17M-VPI (echo)
DM Normal, GenSol #323029, 11/17/2021
DNA TSS549 (P2)
iCH Solace’s Stunning Star Traveler, TT
aka Kara
b. December 10, 2020 | bi-black/cream plush
sire: Solace’s Jaegermeister
dam: Solace’s Rave of Musics Promise
height/weight: 29″ 104.6lbs
hips: OFA Normal SLH-EL958F24-P-VPI
elbows: OFA Normal SLH-EL1014F24-P-VPI
heart: holter (0,0,0) 5M; and
OFA Normal SLH-BCA73/24F/P-VPI
DM Normal, DDC #219408
DNA TSS575 (P2)
Scott Lamky & Claudia Beutel, Stunning Shilohs
website: www.stunningshilohs.com
email: stunningshilohs@gmail.com
Anza CA