~current breed-specific registries
ISSA – International Shiloh Shepherd Alliance, Inc.
Founded: 2016
Incorporated: December 1, 2016, Domestic Not For Profit Corporation
Location: Oklahoma
Registrar: Anita Rados, Registry Liaison
website: www.shiloh-shepherd.com
About: Primarily a large group of former ISSR breeders united under the core concepts of education, research, and the promotion of the Shiloh Shepherd.
ISSR – International Shiloh Shepherd Registry
Founded: 1991
Incorporated: September 3, 1993
Location: New York
Registrar: originally TCCP :: Texas :: Barb Betcher Associated Club: SSDCA, Inc. ; transferred to Lisa Barber, New Zion Shilohs approximately 2011
website: www.shilohshepherd.com/issr,inc.htm
About: The first exclusively only Shiloh Shepherd registry.
NSBR – National Shiloh Breeders Registry
Founded: 2001
Incorporated: sole proprietorship
Location: Ontario, Canada
Registrar: Cher Mundy
Associated Clubs: ISSDC
website: www.shilohregistry.com
About: “This alternate breed registry was established in 2001 “to allow all Shiloh Shepherd Breeders the freedom to choose their breeding programs, to share knowledge openly and freely and still have a Shiloh Registry with rules governing hips and health.” Originally owned by Judy Vaneman of Pennsylvania; sold to Virginia Storey in 2010; registrar to Cher Mundy in 2015
TSSR, Inc. – The Shiloh Shepherd Registry, Inc.
Founded: 2002
Incorporated: not for profit corporation
Location: Pennsylvania
Registrar: Christi Yonavick
Associated Club: ISSDC
websites: www.shilohshepherdtssr.com and www.tssr.info
About: “The Shiloh Shepherd Registry was formed by a number of long term breeders and fanciers who are devoted to the breed. Our common goal is to ensure the continuation of our wonderful breed by raising the criteria used to determine which Shiloh Shepherds are allowed to be bred. We feel that we have set a standard unsurpassed by any registry of any breed. All TSSR Shilohs must have passing adult hip certification, OFA certified clear hearts, DNA certification and pass a temperament test before being bred…”
WSSBA – Worldwide Shiloh Shepherd Breed Association, LLC
Founded: 2013
Incorporated: limited liability corporation
Location: California & PEI
Registrar: Dia Vickery and Jan Burke
Associated Club: ISSDC
websites: www.registermyshiloh.com
About: “The WSSBA is incorporated as a Limited Liability Corporation. The primary objective of the WSSBA is to provide registration paperwork to Shiloh Shepherd Breeders and Owners in a timely, efficient, and economical manner…”
~all breed registries
ARBA – American Rare Breed Association
Founded: 1991
Registrar: self Associated
Club: n/a
website: www.arba.org
About: The ARBA has recognized the Shiloh Shepherd breed since 1991.
NKC – National Kennel Club, Inc.
Founded: 1969
Location: Tennessee
Registrar: self Associated
Clubs: n/a
website: www.nationalkennelclub.com
About: ” Since 1970 the National Kennel Club (NKC) has operated to help dog owners register any purebred dog. The NKC has been fair and impartial to all breeders, dog owners, and the various breeds they represent. With the NKC rare breeds may be shown with equal status as well as the major breeds. The NKC licenses all-breed dog shows, events for Coon Dogs, Beagles, Squirrel Dogs, Bird dogs, Fox dogs, Licensed Dog Kennels, Show Judges, and other dog related-events. The registry requires little paperwork and does not require proof of pedigree prior to registration.”
ISSDC/r – International Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club Registry
Founded: 1997
Location: Nevada
Registrar: Gary Allison Associated
Club: the original ISSDC
About: This registry was closed in 2001 and reorganized into the SSBA & USSDC/r
SSBA – Shiloh Shepherd Breed Association
Founded: 2001
Location: Nevada
Registrar: Gary & Michelle Allison Associated
website: www.shilohshepherd.org
About: “Supported by a group of breeders and fanciers that are devoted to the protection, promotion and advancement of the Shiloh Shepherd breed.” This registry closed in 2009. Their website recommended transferring current registrations to the TSSR, Inc.
USSDC/R – United Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club & Registry, Inc.
Founded: 2001
Location: Round Mountain, Texas
Registrar: Colleen Gott
Associated Club: USSDC
website: none
About: “…established for people serious about owning a Shiloh Shepherd dog. It is backed by breeders, trainers and pet owners, as well as consultants and advisors in the fields of veterinary medicine, animal behavior and canine reproduction.” from Dog Fancy ad circa February 2003. Note: Unsure of the status of this organization. Rumored to have closed approximately 2003. The registrar is no longer associated with the Shiloh Shepherd breed.
~why not AKC or UKC
Shiloh Shepherds are a rare breed dog not recognized by either AKC or UKC.
AKC (American Kennel Club)
Founded: 1884
Location: United States
website: www.akc.org
About: “…a non-profit purebred dog pedigree registry and advocates dogs as pets. To register in the AKC, the dog’s parents and litter must also be registered with AKC. Registration is meant only to determine the breed of dog and his parents and not his health or show quality bloodline. AKC is more concerned about a dog’s physical appearance rather than temperament or health. ”
UKC (United Kennel Club)
Founded: 1898
Location: United States
website: www.ukcdogs.com
About: “… founded to provide a registry for working dogs. Promotes concept of total dog. While it uses DNA testing to establish dog’s parentage, it also allows registration of purebreds whose pedigree is unknown and mixed breed dogs.”
Difference Summary:
- AKC does not recognize other registries; UKC recognizes AKC registered dogs.
- AKC allows professional handlers; UKC does not.
more info:
- Difference Between AKC & UKC {http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-akc-and-ukc/}
- Requirements for UKC Breed Recognition {https://www.ukcdogs.com/docs/registration/breed-recognition-requirements.pdf}