We are please to present our collection of Shiloh Shepherd Pedigrees. The quick and easy way to see the family tree of your favorite Shiloh.
There is no monetary fee to use this resource, However, by requesting access, you are agreeing to become a contributor to this project. Data harvesting is expressly prohibited!
- Already have an account, [LOGIN HERE]
- To request access, register [HERE]
This is an independent project not owned or managed by any club or registry. It is the collaborative effort of many contributors throughout the world. Data is Data. It is not the intent of this project to debate what is and is not a Shiloh Shepherd. This project is an ever-evolving, continual work in progress with combines information from a variety of sources.
While the focus of this project is Shiloh Shepherds, the database includes a wide variety of German Shepherd Dogs not related to the Shiloh Shepherd and any outcrosses used in the development of the Shiloh Shepherd (including White Shepherd, Alte Deutsche Shaeferhund, etc.).
This database is NOT a registry. All information is provided on an informational basis only and should NOT be substituted for that provided by your registry. When using it for your research, this is just a tool, it is NOT intended to be a substitute for a conversation with the owner and/or breeder.
Data updates are continuous as they are received and appear online during regular updates throughout the year. Report any updates, changes and errors as you see them.
This online project has been in development since 2006, the core project since 2002.