ISSA – International Shiloh Shepherd Alliance, Inc.
Founded: 2016
Incorporated: December 1, 2016, Domestic Not For Profit Corporation
Location: Oklahoma
Registry: ISSA, Inc.
About: Companion club to the ISSA, Inc. registry. The ISSA is primarily a large group of former ISSR breeders united under the core concepts of education, research, and the promotion of the Shiloh Shepherd.
ISSDC, Inc. – International Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club, Inc.
Founded: Originally founded 1997-2001, Re-Established 2004
Incorporated: 2004, 501(c)3 status established 2013
Location: Virginia, Not For Profit Corporation
Registeries: non-registry specific
About: Originally established at the request of the breed founder. Re-established in 2004 as a united club with representatives from all the registries. Chapters: Various regions throughout the US and Canada
SSDCA, Inc. – Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club of America, Inc.
Founded: 1990
Incorporated: August 26, 1991
Location: Buffalo, New York
Registry: ISSR – International Shiloh Shepherd Registry
About: Club established when Shiloh Shepherd received FIC breed recognition. Club was briefly dormant in 1997 with the approval of the breed founder in order to help establish the new club, the ISSDC. The SSDCA was reactivated and has remained the parent club of the ISSR. Chapters: Various regions throughout the United States