We are currently working with our Breeders to enhance this Buyer’s Checklist so that when looking for a new PUPPY, you have the tools to find the Breeder that is right for YOU.
- Start with a review of the Breed to make sure it is right for you.
- Visit our About Section with FAQ’s [HERE] to learn more.
- Health Testing is the hallmark of this breed.
- Your prospective breeder should have no problem producing copies health testing results for the breeding pair.
- What to look for in litter advertisements.
- Parent’s full names, call names, their sire/dam, health testing results.
- A verifiable pedigree is also a hallmark of this breed. Knowing the sire/dam of the breeding pair helps to verify this.
- Photos of the breeding pair.
- What to expect for health testing.
- Passing health testing as required by the breeder’s registry.
- Visit our Health Screening page [HERE] to get an idea on what is required.
- A verbal response that they have been tested and passed is not enough.
- If health testing results by OFA, you can visit ofa.org to review.
- Questions to ask breeders.
- What are some of the more common health problems within the breed?
- What are you doing to help reduce health issues within the breed? in your puppies?
- What are the health screening tests you perform on your dogs and why?
- Where can I see the results of the health testing you have completed for your dogs?
- Can I meet the sire and dam of this litter (if geographically possible)?
- Can I see the registrations and pedigrees for both the sire and dam?
- Where do you register your Shilohs?
- Once you have this information, you can follow-up with their registry for references.
- Things to be ready for:
- Veterinarian practices are in a crisis world-wide [article]. Make sure you have a vet ready to accept your new pet.

Beth & Bob Nergard, South Carolina

Rhonda Van Emon, Ohio

Myra York, Maryland

Lisa Taylor, New York

Avril Williams, Pennsylvania

Jan Santini, Pennsylvania

Darcy Clutter, Ohio

Vickie Maas, Maryland

Terrie & Bob Dwyer, Kentucky

Barbara Mundell, Washington

Kathy Kurek, New Jersey
Breeders ~past and present
Following is a list of kennel names used throughout the history of the Shiloh Shepherd breed:
- 4 Sisters’ Shilohs, Washington
- 6th Day Shilohs, Alabama, since 1997
- 7 Stars Kennel
- Abba’s Shilohs {www.abbasshilohs.weebly.com}, South Carolina, 2002
- Adirondack Shiloh Shepherds, New York, 2004
- Agape Kennels – known now as Selah Shepherds {www.selah1.homestead.com/pg1.html}, West Virginia
- Almost Heaven Shilohs, West Virginia
- American Shiloh Kennel, New York
- Angel Shilohs, Rhode Island, 2014
- Annawakee Creek Shilohs
- Apex Shiloh Shepherds, North Carolina
- Armadale Shilohs, Nova Scotia, 2015
- Arizona Kennels, Arizona
- Asgard Kennel- now breeding Leonbergers {http://asgardkennel.com/}
- Asgard Samson
- Aspen Knoll Shilohs {www.aspenknollshilohs.com}, New Hampshire, 2011
- Azzaro Shilohs {www.azzaroshilohs.com}
- Atlantic Sable Shilohs {www.atlanticsableshilohs.com}, Nova Scotia, 2000
- Atlantis Shiloh Shepherds {www.atlantisshilohshepherds.com}, Ontario, 2009
- Atherton, 1992
- Aurora Shilohs
- AZ Shilohs, Arizona, 2013
- B&B Shiloh Shepherds
- B&T/Ridgewood Shiloh Shepherds {www.ridgewoodshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania
- Babbling Brook Shilohs, Pennsylvania
- Bay Breeze Shilohs {www.baybreezeshilohs.com}, New Jersey then Pennsylvania
- Bearpaw Shilohs {www.bearpawshilohs.com}, New Jersey, 2003
- Bedrock Shilohs, Ontario, 2013
- Belle Grace Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2004
- BellaTerra Shiloh Shepherds, Florida, 2013
- Beloved Shiloh Shepherds {www.belovedshilohs.com}, New Jersey, 2001
- Betterways Kennels, Texas, 1992
- Big Bend Kennels, Texas, 2003
- Bilan Shepherds, Brooklyn New York
- Black Forest Shiloh Shepherds, Delaware, 2022
- Blackfrost Kennels
- Blackstone Shilohs, Ontario
- Blackwood Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania, 2005
- Blazing Saddles Shilohs, Montana
- Blitzkrieg Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania
- Blue Mist Shilohs
- Blue Moon Shilohs, New York, 1997
- Bluegrass Shilohs {www.bluegrassshilohs.com}, Kentucky, 2013
- Blue Ridge Mountain Shilohs, South Carolina, 2018
- Bohemian Shilohs, Czech Republic
- Bold Canine Shilohs {www.boldcanine.com}, Ontario, 2003
- Bolo Shepherds :: formerly Storm Shilohs, South Carolina
- Braveheart Shilohs, New York
- Brick Chapel Shilohs {www.brickchapelshilohs.com}, Ohio, 2003
- Buckeye Shilohs {www.buckeyeshilohs.com}, Ohio, 2017
- BV Shilohs, New Jersey
- CJ’s Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania
- CJ’s Valley View Farm, Pennsylvania
- Cabin Run Shilohs {www.cabinrunshilohs.com}, Maryland, 2007
- Caerwyn Shilohs, Virginia, 2014
- Camelot Kennels, California, 1999 (deceased)
- Camp Daigles Shiloh Shepherds, Florida
- Campfire Shilohs, Washington, 2021
- Canyon Shilohs, Washington, 1997
- Cardinal Ridge Shilohs, New Jersey
- Carin Shilohs {www.carinshilohs.com}, New York, 2008
- Carolina Mountain Shilohs, 2005
- Cascade Shiloh Shepherds
- Catoctin Shiloh Shepherds {www.catoctinshilohs.com}, Maryland, 1996
- Cavalry Shiloh Shepherds, North Carolina, since 2011
- Cavian Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania, since 1996
- Celtic Shiloh Shepherds {www.celticshilohshepherds.com}, Ontario, 2011
- Chaniya’s A. A. Kennels
- Chateau De Chief Shepherds (Shilohs then King Shepherds)
- Checkmate Shiloh Shepherds, Ontario
- Chelanham Shilohs, Oregon, 2008
- Cherokee Shilohs, North Carolina
- Cisco’s Shilohs
- City Brick Shilohs, New York, 2001
- Coats of Many Colors Shilohs
- Columbia Shilohs, Missouri, 2002
- Conquering Lion Shilohs
- Corsair Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2016
- Crannog Farm {www.crannogfarm.com}, British Columbia, 2008
- Creekside Shilohs {www.creeksideshilohs.com}, New Jersey, 2011
- Crossroad Shilohs {www.crossroadshilohs.com}, Ontario, 2006
- Cypress Coast Shilohs {formerly Legend Shilohs}, California, 1995
- Da-Ja Shilohs
- Dakota Kennels, Henderson Nevada
- Dakota Shilohs,
- Dalikida Shilohs, Ontario
- Danica Kennel, Maryland
- Dayspring Shiloh Shepherds, Tennessee, 1999
- de Borinquen Shilohs
- Denton Hollow Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania
- Deelight Kennels, Wisconsin, 2003
- Desana Shiloh Shepherds, Florida, 1999
- Desert Kennels, Nevada, 1996
- Desert Breeze Shilohs, California
- Desert Wind Kennel
- Destiny Shilohs {www.members.aol.com/destinyshi}
- Devoted Shilohs, New Brunswick
- Diamondwood ISSR Shilohs
- Dibby Hill Shiloh Shepherds {www.dibbyhill.com}
- Divine Shilohs, New Jersey
- Double Axel Kennels, Minnesota
- DreamCatcher Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania
- Dutch Pride Shilohs, the Netherlands, 2009
- Dutch Shiloh Shepherds,
- Echo Shilohs {www.echoshilohs.com}, Indiana, 2009
- Eden Kennels
- Ekhohaus Shiloh Shepherds {www.ekhohaus.com}, New York, 2015
- Enchanted Flame, Texas
- Enlighten Shilohs, Washington
- Ensomhead Kennel
- Epic Shilohs, Ontario, 2007
- Evergreen Kennels {www.pawsitive.biz}, New York, 1997
- Evergreen State Shilohs, Eastern Washington, 2019
- Excalibur Shilohs
- Exodus Shilohs, Japan
- Fair Wind Shilohs {www.fairwindshilohs.com}, North Carolina,
- Fairview Farms Shilohs, North Carolina, 2005
- Fairytale Shilohs, Maryland, 2020
- Far Field Shilohs, South Carolina, 2006
- Farview Farms Shilohs, Ontario
- Farview Shiloh Shepherds now known as Mustang Shiloh Shepherds, Connecticut, 2004
- Fianna Canine, Virginia, 2009
- Field of Shilohs Boulis, France, 2015
- Fireside Shiloh Shepherds {www.firesideshilohs.com}, Virginia, 2006
- Fisher Crane Shilohs, North Carolina, 2012
- Flashpoing Shilohs, Washington, 2009
- Flashy Acres, New York
- Flying Dog Shilohs, New Mexico
- Fountainhead Shiloh Shepherds, Florida
- Foxxy Shilohs, Ontario, 2010
- Freebird Kennel
- Freedom Shilohs, New Jersey, 2009
- Freedom’s Light, Washington), Stud Kennel, 2017
- Freestates Kennel, Virginia
- Frosty Valley Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2019
- Full Quiver Kennel
- G&Ts Stardust Shilohs {www.stardustshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 2002
- Gaelic Shilohs
- Galaxy Shiloh Shepherd, Washington
- Gallant Watch Kennels, Texas
- Gallico Shilohs, France, 2014
- Gatekeeper Kennels
- Gatewood Shilohs, Maryland
- Gemini Shiloh Shepherds {www.miracleshilohs.com/gemini/home.html}
- Genesis Kennels, California
- Genesis Shilohs {www.genesisshilohs.com}, Ontario, 2005
- Gentle Giant Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania, 2007
- Gilead Shilohs
- Glorious Kennels {www.gloriousdogs.com}, Ohio, 1999
- Gnostic Quest Shilohs, Washington
- Gold Star Shilohs, Ohio, 2022
- Golden Heart Shilohs, Colorado
- Golden Spirit, California, 2000
- Goodnight’s Shilohs {www.gnshilohs.com}
- Gottsberg Kennels
- Grayson Shiloh Shepherds, New Jersey, 2017
- Green Acres
- Green Mountain Shilohs, Vermont, 2003
- Greystone Shilohs, Massachusetts, 2016
- Guardian Kennels {www.guardiankennels.ca}, Alberta, 2001
- Harmony Shilohs
- Haus of VID – House of Very Important Dogs, Austria, 2002
- Headwaters Shlohs, Ontario
- Heartsong Shilohs, Washington
- Heaven Kennels
- Heritage Shilohs, Maine, 2015
- Hidden Oak Kennels
- High Caliber Shilohs {www.calibershilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 2005
- Highland Hills Shilohs, New York
- Highlander Shiloh Shepherds {www.highlandershilohs.com}, New York, 1996
- Highlife Kennels, New York
- Hill Country Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2017
- Hillside Shilohs, Pennsylvania
- Holtan Shilohs
- House Blue, Austria, 2019
- Hope Shilohs, New Jersey
- House BeLu
- Howling Winds, New York, 1998
- Hudson Valley Shilohs, New York, 2021
- IHOSS, New York
- Iles Shilohs
- Imladris Shilohs {www.imladrisshilohscom}, West Virginia, 2006
- Iron House Kennel, Pennsylvania
- Island Mist Shilohs, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Island Shiloh Shepherds {www.islandshilohs.com}, Bahamas, 1997
- Jewel Shilohs, the Netherlands, 2013
- JNK Kennels, New York
- JnL Pocono Shilohs {www.jnlpoconoshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 2004
- JVF Shilohs
- Kai-Lyn Shilohs (Shilohs of Kai-Lyn), Ontario
- Karma Kennels, Minnesota
- Kellisa Shilohs, Ontario
- KeyStone Shilohs, Ontario
- Kindred Spirit Shilohs {www.kindredspiritshilohs.com}, Florida, 2006
- Kingdom Shilohs, Texas, 2014
- Kokopelli Shiloh Shepherds, Texas
- Koonab Shilohs, Ontario
- KTF Shilohs
- Kuro Kennel, Illinois, 1997
- Ladies of Lorn, The, New York, 2013
- Lakeway Kennels {www.lakewayshilohs.com}, Michigan, 1994
- Larochelle Shilohs, Nova Scotia, 2022
- Legacy Shilohs {www.legacyshilohs.com}, Colorado, 2020
- Legend Kennels, New York
- Legends Shilohs {now Cypress Coast Shilohs}
- Let’R Buck Kennels {www.letrbuckkennels.com}, Oregon, 2006
- Liberty Acres, Tennessee
- Lightning Ridge Shilohs, North Carolina
- Little Rebel Kennel
- Lothlorien Shilohs {www.lothlorienshilohs.com}, Maryland, 2017
- Lone Star Shilohs, Texas
- Longobardi
- Lookup Shilohs, {www.lookupshilohs.com} Florida, 2019
- Loredo Shilohs
- MacShilohs, New York
- MaCree Shilohs
- Maddens Shiloh Kennel (aka Madden’s Howlin Hills), North Carolina, 2008
- Mainzer Shilohs, Oklahoma, 2020
- Majestic Knights Shilohs {www.majestic-knights-shilohs.com}, Texas, 2000
- Malvon Shiloh Shepherds {www.malvonshilohs.com}, Alberta
- Maramar Shepherds, Virginia
- Maranantha Kennels
- MarLyn Creek Shilohs
- Mason-Dixon Kennel, Pennsylvania, 1994
- Mayacama Shilohs, 2015
- MD Shiloh Star Kennel “MDSSK” {www.shilohshepherds.net}
- Meadowview Shilohs
- Meister Shilohs Kennel {www.meistershilohs.com}
- Meritage Shilohs, Australia, 2008
- Middle Earth Shilohs, Kentucky
- Midnight Shiloh Shepherds, Ontario, 2005-2017
- Midnight Shilohs, New York, 2022
- Midnight Sky Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2011
- Midnight Sun
- MidWest Shilohs {www.midwestshilohs.com}, Wisconsin
- Millbrook Frram, Michigan
- Miracle Shilohs {www.miracleshilohs.com}, Prince Edward Island, 2001
- Misty Mountain Shilohs {www.mistymountainshilohs.com}, New Hampshire, 2008
- Mohave Miracle Shilohs
- Moon Shadow Shilohs {www.moonshadowshilohs.com}, Colorado, 2006
- Moon Song Shilohs, Oklahoma, 2008
- Moondance Shilohs
- Moonlight Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2021
- Moonshine Shilohs, Florida, 2016
- Moriah Kennel, Delaware
- MountainTop Shiloh Shepherds {www.MountaintopShilohShepherds.US}, Maryland, 2009
- Mt Airy Shiloh Shepherds, Maryland
- Mt Selah Shilohs, Pennsylvania
- Mustang Shiloh Shepherds, New York
- MW Shilohs
- Mystic Morn
- Mystical Shilohs {www.mysticalshilohs.com}, Ontario, since 2004
- Narnia Kennel
- New Days Shilohs, New York, 2003
- New Hope Shilohs
- New Trafford Shiloh Shepherds, Texas
- New Zion Shilohs, New York, 1990
- NewMoon Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania, 2015
- Nezbor Kennels
- Nizhoni Shilohs
- Noble Acres Shiloh Shepherds {www.nobleacres.com}, Virginia, 1997
- Noble House Shilohs, Alberta (deceased)
- Nocturnal Farm Shilohs,
- North Mountain Shilohs {www.northmountainshilohs.com}, Nova Scotia
- North Shore Shilohs
- North Star Kennels, New Jersey, 1993
- Northern Lights Kennel, British Columbia, 1998
- Nottingham Shilohs {www.nottinghamshilohs.com}, Virginia, 1999
- O’atka Shiloh Shepherds, New York
- Oasis Kennels, New York, 1992
- Ocean State Shilohs {www.oceanstateshilohs.com}, Rhonde Island, 2001
- Ohana Homestead Shilohs, Maryland, 2022
- Okanagan Shilohs, British Columbia
- Omni Shilohs, Manitoba, 2003 (deceased)
- Opal Shilohs, Virginia, 2022
- Orchard Hills Shilohs, Georgia, 2020
- Orion Farms, Maryland
- Overdog Shilohs
- P&C Ridgewood Shilohs {www.ridgewoodshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 1998
- Pacific Crest Shiloh Shepherds {www.facebook.com/PacificCrestShilohShepherds}, California, 2003
- Pacific Wild Kennels, Vancouver Island, 2020
- Pack’s Hilltop Kennel, New York, 1992
- Pantheon Shiloh Shepherds, Washington, 2015
- Paragon Shilohs, Texas
- Parsons Shiloh Shepherds, Delaware, 2022
- PAW Kennel
- Peaceful Shilohs, Rhode Island
- Petra Kennels, Florida
- Phenom Shilohs, Ontario
- Phoggy City Shilohs {http://phoggycityshilohs.weebly.com/}, Kansas
- Pike’s Peak Shilohs, Colorado, 2003
- Pine Edge Shepherds, New York, 2022
- Pinetree Shilohs, Colorado
- Pinewood Shilohs
- Praetorian Shilohs, Minnesota, 2019
- Private Stock Shilohs {www.privatestockshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 2006
- Qadrat Shilohs, New York, 2009
- Raid The Wind Kennels LLC
- Rain City Shilohs {www.raincityshilohs.com}, Washington, 2009
- Rain Forest
- Rainy Day Shilohs, Washington
- Ranger’s Shiloh Shepherds, Pennsylvania
- Red Dragon Shiloh Shepherds, Wales UK, 2022
- Regal Shiloh Shepherds, Ontario
- Rich Hills, Pennsylvania, 1994
- Ridgewood Shilohs Shepherds-P&C/B&T {www.ridgewoodshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 1998
- Rising Star Shilohs {www.risingstarshilohs.com}, Rhode Island, 2000
- River Crest Shilohs {www.rivercrestshilohs.com}, Kentucky, 2010
- River Pack Shilohs, Virginia, 2009
- Rivers Run
- Riverwind Shilohs, Oklahoma, 2007
- Road Less Traveled Shilohs,
- Roaring Rock Kennel, New Jersey, 1994
- Robson Arms Shilohs, Nova Scotia
- Rockbridge Shilohs, Ontario
- Rockwood Shilohs
- Rocky Mountain Shilohs, Alberta, 2015
- Rolling Thunder Kennels
- Roseland Shilohs {www.roselandshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 2010
- Royal Shilohs {www.royalshilohs.com}, North Carolina
- Rubiadale Shiloh Shepherds, Japan
- Sakura Shiloh Shepherds, Ohio, 2024
- Salish Sea Shilohs {http://salishsea-shilohs.weebly.com}, Washington, 2008
- Savannah Shilohs,
- Savannah River Shilohs
- Sawtooth Shilohs, Idaho
- Scenic View Shilohs
- Schell’s Shilohs
- Schuler Seaside Shilohs
- Seattle Shilohs, Washington, since 2014
- Sebastian Shiloh Shepherds, Wisconsin
- Seneca Kennel
- Semper Fi Shilohs {www.semperfi-shilohs.com}, North Carolina
- Sentinel Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2009
- Sequoia Shiloh Shepherds {www.sequoiashepherds.com}, Maryland, 2002
- Serenity Hill Shilohs, Arizona, 2003 (retired)
- Serenity Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2011
- Seven Fires
- Seven Star Shilohs Shepherds {http://www.7starsshilohs.com}
- Shadow Hills Shilohs, West Virginia
- Shadow Wood Shilohs, Florida
- Shadowgate Farm {www.shadowgatefarm.ca}, Ontario
- Shadows Sacred Shilohs, Pennsylvania
- Shadra Ranch Shiloh Shepherds {www.shadarashilohs.com}
- Shahayla Shiloh Shepherds, British Columbia, 2014
- Shalom Shilohs, Illinois, 2020
- Shaman Kennels, Louisiana,
- ShaMira Shilohs, Michigan, since 2007
- Shamrock Shilohs, Ontario
- Sheltisian Kennel
- Shenandoah Shilohs, Pennsylvania then California
- Shepherd On The Ridge (Shepherd’s Ridge), New York, 2001
- ShilohRidge Shilohs, Ontario
- Shilohs of Bethel
- Shilohs of Kai-Lyn (Kai-Lyn Shilohs), Ontario
- Shining Star Shilohs {www.shiningstarshilohs.com}, Oklahoma, 2010
- Shomeir Royim Shilohs, Washington
- Siam Shilohs
- Silberner Wolf Shilohs
- Silver Maple Kenenls, Ontario, 2004
- SilverMoon Kennels {www.silvermoonshilohs.com}, Virginia, 2009
- SilverMist Shilohs,
- Sierra Shilohs Shepherds (aka Sierra Kennels), California, 1997
- Silver Run Shilohs, Pennsylvania
- SilverMist Shilohs
- Sirius Shiloh Shepherds, Texas
- Siskiyou Shepherds, Oregon, 1992
- Six Paws Kennels, Wyoming, 1978
- Sky Shilohs, Washington,
- Sleeper Shilohs
- Sleeping Giant Shilohs
- Sleepy Creek Shilohs, Virginia
- Small Town Shilohs, Alberta, 2018
- Smith River Shilohs, California, 2014
- Smoke N Ember Shilohs,
- SmokeShow Shilohs, Massachusetts
- Smokey Valley Shilohs, Washington, 2011
- Smoky Mountain Shilohs {www.smokymtnshilohs.com}, North Carolina
- Snow Creek Shilohs
- Snowdancer Shilohs
- Snowflake Shilohs, Northern California
- Solace Shilohs {www.solaceshilohs.com}, Washington, 2002
- Sondancer Shilohs, Pennsylvania
- Sooner Shilohs, Oklahoma, 2014
- Sound Shilohs {www.soundshilohs.com}
- Southern Highland Shilohs {www.geocities.com/elf46/index.html}
- Southern Oaks Shilohs
- Southern Shiloh Shepherds
- Southern Starr Shilohs
- Southtowns Shilohs {www.southtownsshilohs.com}, New York, 2019
- Southwind Shilohs, South Carolina
- Sparta Shilohs {www.spartashilohs.com}, Texas, 2009
- Spirit Shilohs, Maryland
- Spirited Shepherds, Ohio
- SpiritPath Shilohs (K&C), California
- SpitFire Shilohs, Maryland
- Splendor Shilohs
- Spring Lane Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2018
- Spring Meadow Shilohs
- Springhill Shilohs
- Springwood Shilohs, Ontario
- Stall Europa Shilohs {www.stalleuropa.com/ourshilohs.htm}
- Star Shilohs, Utah
- Stardust Shilohs {www.stardustshilohs.com}, Pennsylvania, 2002
- Starry Night Shilohs, Michigan, 2017
- Stella Shiloh {www.stellashiloh.com}, North Carolina
- Stellar Shilohs, Connecticut, 2013
- Sterling Forest Pack, New York
- Sterling Shiloh Shepherds, Ontario
- Stonecold Shilohs, Pennsylvania, 2009
- Storm Runner Shilohs, British Columbia, 2017
- Storybrooke Shilohs, Maryland, 2015
- Strauss Haus Shepherds {www.strausshausshepherds.com}, Washington, then New York, since 2000
- Stunning Shiloh Shepherds, California, 2014
- Sublime Shilohs {www.sublimeshilohs.com}, Michigan, 2015
- Sugar Foot Shilohs {www.sugarfootshilohs.com}
- Summer Wind Shilohs
- Sun Devil Shilohs, Connecticut
- Sundance Shilohs,
- Sundaree Shiloh Shepherds, Massachusetts, 2020
- Sunrise Shilohs
- Sunshine Shiloh Shepherds {www.sunshineshilohs.com}, Florida
- Sunstar Shilohs (Sunstar Kennels), California, 1993
- Super Nova Shilohs, North Dakota, 2017
- Superior Shilohs
- Sure Foot Shepherds {www.surefootshepherds.com}, Minnesota
- Sweetbriar Shiloh Shepherds, California
- Takoda Shilohs, North Carolina
- Tantara Kennels (Tantara Shiloh Shepherds), Michigan
- Templar Shilohs, North Carolina then Georgia, 2010
- Terra Shilohs, New York, 2013
- Texan Shilohs, Texas, 2017
- Three River Shilohs, Washington, 2006
- Thunder Oaks Shilohs
- Thunder Shilohs,
- Thunder Ridge Shilohs
- TiAmo Desert Mountain Shilohs
- Tiger Toes Shilohs, Washington, 1998
- Timbaland Shiloh Shepherds {www.timbalandshilohs.com}, Alberta
- Timber Lane Shilohs, Maryland
- Timber Ridge Kennel
- Titanium Shilohs {www.titaniumshilohs.com}, Oregon, 2004
- Torridon Shilohs, Oregon, 2006
- Totem Shilohs {www.totemshilohs.com}, the Netherlands, 2004
- Triad Kennel Shilohs, North Carolina
- Trillium Hill Shilohs, New York, 1997
- Trinity Kennels, California, 1991
- TruCare Shepherds, California, 1992
- True North Shiloh Shepherds, Minnesota, 2022
- Twilight Acres, Ontario
- Twin City Shilohs, North Carolina, 2020
- Ulfr Fjall Kennel, Montana, 2022
- Valhalla Shilohs, New Jersey
- Valleybreeze Shepherds
- Vic-Mar, Virginia
- Victory Shilohs, Ontario, 2010
- VID – House for Very Important Dogs
- Vintage Shilohs {www.vintageshilohs.com}, New Jersey, 2016
- Vision Kennels, Ontario
- von Kaiser Shilohs Shepherds
- von Wisel Shilohs
- Wanderlust Shilohs, 2022
- WaSha’s Shilohs
- Whisperwood Shilohs {www.whisperwoodshilohs.ca}
- WhiteFang Shilohs, Virginia, 2002
- White Mountain Shilohs, Arizona
- Wiccad Shilohs, Ontario, 2023
- Wild(e) Shilohs, Washington, 2000
- Wildefire Kennel, Arizona, 2000
- Wilderness Kennels, British Columbia, 2019
- Willamette Valley Shilohs, Oregon, 1992
- Willow Rock Shilohs, Oklahoma, 2012
- Windsong Kennels {now known as Raid The Wind Kennels LLC}, Virginia, 1999
- Windstorm Shilohs, Tennessee
- Winsper Shilohs, Massachusets
- Winter Harbor Shilohs, British Columbia, 2001
- Wolf Creek Shilohs, (deceased)
- Wolfe Spirit Shilohs, New York
- Wolfden Shilohs, New York,
- Woodside Ranch Shilohs, Oregon
- Xanadu Shiloh Shepherds {www.xanadushilohs.com}, Virginia, 2007
- Xtreme Shilohs, Ontario
- Y’Draig Kennels {http://ydraigkennels.com}
- Young’s Legacy, Colorado
- Zephyr Shilohs, Nova Scotia
- Zoar Valley Shilohs
BEWARE of backyard breeders selling unregistered Shiloh Shepherds, from parents who have not been health tested and who are not registered with a breed-specific registry as breedable, “just for pets.”
There are many unscrupulous people out there who care nothing about improving this breed, or maintaining health and temperament, and only want to make money.
When considering a puppy, don’t hesitate to ask the breeder for copies of health clearances, DNA, and registration paperwork for the sire and dam. It is your right to be provided with this information!