“Private Stock Shilohs is located in Taylor, Pennsylvania. Our Shilohs are raised in our homes as part of our family. ”
Karen & Mark Zikosky, Breeder
Private Stock Shilohs
Taylor, Pennsylvania
find us at:
The Dog Breeder’s Journal
Book Size: 7.5″ x 9.25″
Pages: 92
Binding: Spiral Bound
Order Yours: [HERE]
Dog Breed Designs presents The Dog Breeder’s Journal. The many features include a place to record information for the Dam (including places to for health stats, heat cycles, sections for notes), for the Breeding there are areas for information and health stats on the Sire, in addition to the breeding, the whelping, eight weeks worth of logs to record weights and more. There are also individual pages per puppy to follow through after the sale. [www.dogbreeddesigns.com]
note: cover can be customized; contact me at jacki@dogbreeddesigns.com BEFORE ordering